I've been struggling for a few days to think of how I wanted to end my Disney cruise blog series. I've already shared the majority of pictures and stories, and quite frankly, all that's left is the sad bit: saying good-bye.
This was our first cruise, and man did we set the bar high. How can you top an eleven day Mediterranean Disney cruise? I'm not sure you can! We were on the ship so long, that room 7584 really did begin to feel like home.
The on board babysitting was great. Having the opportunity to dine alone, go hang out in the hot tub on the adult side of the top deck, or go see a show without our sweet rug rat in tow was so much fun.
The ship itself was beautiful. There was so much to do and so many places to eat. Every day was different, and yet we fell into a pretty comfortable routine during our time on board.
Caleb, of course, had a blast, as we knew he would. Whether is was running around in the toddler splash zone...
Or running into Mickey Mouse at breakfast...
Or Goofy on shore...
...Caleb was always looking for the next adventure.
Unfortunately, our time was wrapping up. After our last port of call in Villefranche, we had one last day at sea to enjoy everything the Disney Magic had to offer. As much as we were grateful for that last day at sea, it was tainted with the knowledge that every minute brought us closer to Barcelona, and the end of our cruise.
Since we've returned, I've been asked numerous times if I would recommend the Disney Cruise Line. And I want to say, emphatically, "Yes, yes, YES!" It was amazing!
But, see, the thing is this: I'm the kind of person who totally buys into the magic. From the first sighting of Mickey to the farewell show on the last night, I'm still mostly a kid a heart who gets excited when the mouse waves at me. I get goosebumps when I walk into Magic Kingdom. I get up and scream and dance just because some dude on the stage tells me to. I yell loudly for Capt Hook just to get him to wave.
So maybe I'm the kind of person Disney cruises are made for -the kid at heart. But I'm naive enough to think that most of us still have a kid a heart. Many of us keep it under wraps a lot better than I do, that's for sure. But I think a lot of people are eager for the chance to play, to be carefree, to be unashamedly excited about little things.
And if you can't be excited and playful on a Disney cruise, than I just don't know where you can.
So this is it. Not just the end of my Disney cruise, but now the end of the travel blogging as well. And I'll admit, I'm a bit sad to really wrap this up and put it all behind me. Because it was so much fun. I've enjoyed re-living it through the blog. And I can't wait to do it again sometime in the not-so-distant future!
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