Today is the first day in over two weeks that I haven't had to drive out to base for one thing or another. It was my first "day off" in so long, and it's been as wonderful as a day off can be. The sun is out in full force, there's not a cloud in the sky, and there's a sweet, soft breeze blowing the fragrance of so many spring blossoms down the road.
Caleb and I took a nice, long walk today. I think I've already mentioned his unusal fussiness lately. He was having a fussy bout early this afternoon, so I decided it was time to get out of the house. I strapped him in his stroller and headed for my usual route down to the town center.
When we got to the center, I decided to venture down a new
route that took me to the Thetford Priory ruins. We had a nice time exploring the ruins. I didn't realize how large and sprawling they are! They are right outside the town center, and this was the first tiem I had ever visted them. I'd love to go again sometime and pack a picnic.
After the ruins, we walked back into the town center and picked up some super cute sandals for Caleb at Woolworth's. They are blue and have a little whale on them. Cutie cute! It was so warm today. It makes me hopeful that summer is really on its way.
I wanted to walk along the river, but by this time it was getting close to Caleb's next meal. But I love the path along the river. Mom and I used to walk the dogs down there when she was here last fall, BC (before Caleb.) It's so serene and peaceful. The Priory ruins were so still and peaceful, too. It was strange to reach out and touch the flint stones from hundred of years ago and hear the traffic from the main road not far away.
Tonight I'm planning on making one of my favorite meals: Spam Casserole! (Sorry, Robin! We'll have you guys over the next time! :) I wish we had a nice yard to sit in so we could enjoy dinner outside. Maybe in the next house. The dogs have been enjoying the sun and working on their tans. Of course, this means they come in stinking like dog. Yech. I guess it's the season of more regular dog baths. But this time my husband's home for the summer, so we can share the doggie duties!
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