It's been snowing off and on all weekend. Nothing serious. Just a bit of a dusting here and there. Since Caleb had a fever on Friday, I haven't wanted to take him out in it just yet. But he enjoyed watching from my office window.

Saturday, I went out with a few girls from the squadron. One of them is getting ready to go down range for a bit, so we went to Harriets Tea Room to hang out and have some girl time. Nothing like girl time over tea and scones!
Then we hung out with some other friends from the squadron that night. For some reason, shortly after (or was it before?) dinner, my husband and his friend Jason began doing push-ups in the kitchen. Maybe they were trying to make up for the calories consumed by eating a fan-freakin-tastic Pioneer Woman burger. To be honest, I feel like I need to do a few laps around the world to make up for eating those things! Yum!
Jason's daughter then demonstrated her amazing push up capabilites! Seriously, for a six year old, she does some really good push-ups!
And lastly, here's Caleb playing with the pink Barbie convertable. Tommy will probably groan when he sees this, but I think it's precious like a monkey. He doesn't care what color the car is or who is in the driver's seat, he just wants to push the car around! He's all about transportation.
Nothing terribly exciting happened today, other than a haircut for Caleb that didn't go as well as I would have hoped and a crazy expensive trip to the commissary. So there ya have it!
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