I'm actually doing well at taking my daily photos. However, I'm pretty lousy at making the time to upload them. FatMumSlim has a March Photo a Day challenge I'd like to participate in, but I might have to rethink my strategy. It's just not realistic for me to blog daily.
Having said that, let me catch up on the February Photo A Day challenge!
For the 18th, Drink, here is my morning cuppa from this past Saturday. I'm not sure how I ever functioned before PG Tips.
For the 19th, Something You Hate to Do, here are the burnt pancakes I made for my family. I consider myself a pretty decent home chef, but for some reason, I straight suck at making pancakes.
It's kind of a rubbish picture, and I almost did some editing. Then I thought, "The pancakes sucked. Why shouldn't the picture?"
For the 20th, Handwriting, here is a snapshot of some notes of mine at work. When I put my mind to it, I have pretty decent handwriting. I actually hand addressed all of our wedding invites. And to blatantly toot my own horn, I think I did a good job! But my day-to-day handwriting is nothing specialy. Some days it's barely legible.
And for today, A Fave Photo of You, here is a self-portrait taken while laying beneath the Chicago bean. A great trip, and one of my favorite pictures of myself. I think it pretty much sums up exactly who I am, which is mostly just a big goof in a hoodie.